AGRAH CARE (AC) started as an agricultural inputs dealer in 2011 in Muhanga and now with 32 employees has expanded across multiple districts in Rwanda’s Eastern Province. AC empowers smallholder farmers in Rwanda through agricultural input mechanisms by combining the supply of agricultural inputs, extension services, training, and market access. AC currently services a network of 60,000 farmers and 150 agricultural inputs dealers.
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Contract Farming-based Vegetable Production for the Domestic Market
Through this 15-month project with CASA, AC will increase their production of diverse vegetables, including eggplants, tomatoes, French beans, cucumbers, cabbages, peppers, onions, and garlic. From August 2024, AC is collaborating with 2,500 smallholder farmers to increase their projected individual additional annual income by £980. At a total cost of £196,649, including CASA’s contribution of £62,635, the project will fund capacity-building support for the design of an appropriate and modernised business organisation including financial management systems development; development of a business plan and support for its initial implementation; establishment of a contract farming outgrower model; training of 27 extensionists for AC’s outgrower model; establishment of a modern nursery facility for vegetable seedling production and seed tests; marketing development support; and support for transformational adaptation towards effective integration of an environmental, social and governance (ESG) framework.
AGRAH CARE plans to attract business partnerships with larger distribution companies. A significant opportunity to initiate this will be to invest retained earnings in appropriate equipment for vegetable aggregation, storage, and transportation for efficient supply.
Updated: December 2024