Build 5 Capacities for Development (B5CD) Ltd 

B5CD Ltd is a private woman-owned company incorporated in 2015 that rears live chickens for sale in local markets and operates in Eastern Province’s Bugesera District. Through the partnership, CASA works with B5CD to both highlight the sustainability of the contract farming model to other businesses and to present a compelling business model to potential investors. Currently, B5CD grows and sells chickens but does not buy chickens from smallholders. As consultants with a unique adult education approach (Training for Transformation), the three employees (one full-time) also provide training to promote community development in rural areas. The owner of B5CD is a poultry-rearing professional trainer, schooled through programs sponsored by RAB with the support of ENABEL. Through her experience, she is determined to support women poultry producers by increasing their revenues and improving their skills and knowledge in poultry rearing.

Contact: Email

Contract Farming to Build Smallholder Access to Technical Services and Markets

Through the 12-month project starting in May 2024, B5CD is demonstrating an effective and profitable outgrower scheme with organised smallholders to expand its base of quality produce. This integrated contract farming model involves forward contracting agreements between organised groups of selected smallholders and B5CD. This will include the embedded provision of inputs and skills training, in addition to guaranteed purchase of the produce. The total project amount of £88,674 (£30,065 from CASA) will support fiduciary capacity building and establishment of a sustainable contract farming model for an inclusive supply chain. Six hundred (600) farmers will be contracted and trained, with a projected increase in annual individual income of £58. B5CD is also seeking debt and other investment to construct a small slaughterhouse.

Updated: December 2024