CASA 4×4: 4 viewpoints each expressed in 4 minutes
February 9, 2022

This month we are celebrating our first six months of 4×4, encouraging you to watch films you haven’t seen and share them with colleagues. The 4x4s are short briefings based on expert viewpoints, usually centred on original research by CASA or our partners.
The first three 4×4 boxsets featured relate to different aspects of climate-smart agriculture investment
Private finance in the sector remains stubbornly low with many investors concerned about the risks that the climate will bring to the global south. However, there are investment opportunities too. New technologies backed by sustainable business models, are starting to emerge.
Boxset 5 was developed with Asian investors, but it provides a great introduction to the terminology and issues.
Boxset 4 & 6 are led by CASAs research into investors attitudes of the risks and returns and how investment intermediaries can help.
Marketing products matched to the needs and aspirations of rural households…
Boxset 3 is based on a comprehensive report and guidance developed by the Shell Foundation on how to match products to the needs of rural households with a solar drying company in India and an insurance company based in Africa showing how they applied the principles
Insights from Grow Asia…
Boxset 1 & 2 were driven by the inspirational Grahame Dixie, reflecting on his recent experience of delivering investment growth through his work at Grow Asia.
All of the videos are talking heads – so can work just as effectively as podcasts – so listen, watch and share.
Next steps in climate-smart agriculture for investors and governments…
CASA 4×4 boxset 5 featured investors who participated in the CASA/ Grow Asia Asian Agriculture Climate Finance Summit 2021 in November 2021.
- Cedric Rimaud, Mobilizing $100 Billion of climate finance
- Mat Hague, Working towards Net Zero
- Sami Khan & Shailendra Mishra, Nanyang Nature-based/ nature positive solutions
- Shuyin Tang, Improving agricultural resilience
One-pager: Summary of discussion points
CASA boxset 6 builds on boxset 4, with more information on risk and the role of governments and NGOs.
- Explores investment opportunities and the challenges in climate-smart agriculture
- Examines moving from climate mitigations to adaption to the changing climate
- Addresses the risk in climate change and investment in climate-smart agriculture
- Explains the role of governments and NGOs
One-pager: Summary of the discussion points
CASA 4×4 boxset 6: Investment opportunities, risks & rewards in climate-smart agriculture.
This 4×4 builds on the ideas set out in boxset 4, explicating adding information on risk and the role governments and NGOs can play
- Explores investment opportunities and the challenges in climate-smart agriculture
- Examines moving from climate mitigations to adaption to the changing climate
- Addresses the risk in climate change and investment in climate-smart agriculture
- Explains the role of governments and NGOs
Marketing products matched to the needs and aspirations of rural households…
CASA 4×4 boxset 3: Creating products, services and enterprises that meet the needs and aspirations of rural households. The 4 viewpoints give insights into how a nuanced understanding of rural household needs impacts business performance.
- Dan Haglund shares an overview of the Understanding Rural Pathway Transitions report, explaining what investors and others can learn
- Nidhi Pant explains how to maximize the benefits of the rural pathways model and how to segment farmers to define the business model
- Thomas Njeru talks about the importance of partnerships and the difference between clients, beneficiaries, and customers
Developed in association with Shell Foundation and MasterCard Foundation’s Rural & Agricultural Finance Learning Lab, with support from Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO).
One-pager: Summary of discussion points
Facilitating investment in Asia
CASA 4×4 boxset 1: Grahame Dixie: Recent experience at Grow Asia
- Sets out the case for investment in agriculture in developing markets – and clarifies the difference between international and local investors
- Explains why investors should care about smallholder farmers when business models that rely on them are often less effective, more complex and ultimately less profitable
- Shares the in criteria for good private sector investment agriculture
- Explains the rookie mistakes being made by new investors in smallholder-led agriculture
One-pager: Summary of discussion points
Policy & coordination
CASA 4×4 boxset 2: Grahame Dixie: Policy & coordination
- Sets out the role governments can play in ensuring that investment in agriculture is impactful and profitable
- Suggests the policies and practices that would indicate that a government is treating agricultural investors well
- Explains why Grow Asia is so successful
- Proposes the skills required to facilitate investment
One-pager: Summary of discussion points