GROW: The CASA Newsletter Issue 1 | March 2021
March 17, 2021
Welcome to CASA’s first newsletter. In this edition we provide information about our Agri-Business Breakthrough Webinars, our recent virtual investor summit at AGRF, a review of inclusive technical assistance deployed by development finance institutions and our recent rapid evidence assessment of the development impact of concessional finance to agri-business.
CASA’s Breakthrough Agri-Business Webinars
This series of online webinars are held monthly and start on 28th October. They will feature evidence and analysis by the CASA programme and partners to support the commercialization of agriculture in emerging markets across the developing world. The series will focus on the promotion of effective investment in agribusiness. As hosts, the CASA programme, aims to move beyond the curation and presentation of evidence, to facilitate insights among panellists and audiences.
The first webinar, ‘Stronger, Greener, Fairer Recovery: The Investment Response‘ will feature evidence on the impact of concessional finance and the role of government in agri-financing. We will also reveal a special report on the impact of COVID-19.
Our latest report
CASAs latest rapid evidence review, ‘The development impact of concessional finance to agri-business’, looks at the development impact of what has become an increasingly important tool in our sector.
A review of inclusive Technical Assistance in agriculture
CASAs Technical Assistance Facility (TAF) has published a review on the nature and effectiveness of technical assistance. Read about it and download the review.
Our first Global Agri-Business Investor Summit
CASA hosted three panels alongside the Deal Room at the Africa Green Revolution Forum. Each panel featured the launch of a new Evidence Report by the programme. Access videos of the panels and the reports