Where CASA Works

As a programme, CASA has worked in 23 countries across Africa and Asia,
in 26 value chains, with 103 companies.

Where CASA Market Systems Development Works

The CASA Market Systems Development component has worked in five countries across Africa and Asia, in the seven value chains of:

  • Aquaculture
  • Beans
  • Dairy
  • Poultry
  • Sesame
  • Soybean
  • Vegetables


In Ethiopia, CASA works with these agri-SME partners in the Soybean value chain.


In Malawi, CASA works with these agri-SME partners in the Aquaculture and Poultry value chains.


In Nepal, CASA works with these agri-SME partners in the Dairy and Vegetables value chains.


In Rwanda, CASA works with these agri-SME partners in the Aquaculture, Poultry and Vegetables value chains.


In Uganda, CASA worked with these agri-SME partners in the Beans and Sesame value chains. CASA Uganda closed in 2022.

Where CASA TAF Works

CASA TAF has worked in 22 countries across Africa and Asia, in 23 value chains, with 40 agribusinesses (whose details are covered by non-disclosure agreements, and thus are not provided). CASA TAF has also supported FCDO teams in 15 countries.


CASA TAF has supported three agribusinesses in the Regenerative Inputs and Rice value chains.

CASA TAF also provided consultancy support to the FCDO team in Cambodia. This focused on market and investment analysis across key agricultural sub-sectors, to spotlight opportunities for the FCDO to bolster farmer resilience and inclusive investment, and to initiate impactful investment. CASA TAF recommended three key strategies:

  • Unlocking more affordable loans to smallholder farmers by enhancing value chain financing models
  • Providing specific agribusinesses with inclusive technical assistance, and
  • Increasing the investment readiness of high-growth potential micro-enterprises and SME agribusinesses, through support to existing, or new, accelerator programs, and by fostering ecosystem linkages. 


CASA TAF has provided consultancy support to the FCDO team in the Democratic Republic of Congo. 


CASA TAF has provided consultancy support to the FCDO team in Egypt.


CASA TAF has supported two agribusinesses in the Edible Oils and Coffee value chains.


CASA TAF has supported three agribusinesses in the Agritech and Cocoa value chains.

CASA TAF also provided consultancy support to the FCDO team in Ghana. The first study, completed in March 2022, identified opportunities to enhance value chain inclusiveness and bolster climate change resilience for smallholder farmers in Ghana. The second study explored enabling smallholder farmers in Ghana to access carbon finance opportunities. The CASA TAF team, having engaged with over 15 local agribusinesses, crafted recommendations based on tangible examples of carbon finance solutions accessible to smallholder farmers. The project also involved defining the necessary activities that investments donors, like the FCDO, need to undertake to unlock these opportunities. The CASA TAF team presented their findings at a carbon finance workshop organised by the FCDO in Accra. 


CASA TAF has supported three agribusinesses in the Agritech, Dairy and Pork value chains.


CASA TAF has supported two agribusinesses in the Coconut and Herbs and Spices value chains.

CASA TAF has also provided consultancy support to the FCDO team in Indonesia. The study identified opportunities to support smallholder farmers in the palm oil sector. The study focused on four key areas: 

  • Increasing incomes
  • Developing market linkages
  • Eliminating deforestation, and
  • Fostering an effective enabling environment. 


CASA TAF has supported eight agribusinesses in the Agritech, Avocado, Coconut, Dairy, Farmer Services, Macadamia and Regenerative Inputs value chains.

CASA TAF has also provided consultancy support to the FCDO team in Kenya. They explored investment opportunities in Kenya’s high-growth sectors of fertiliser alternatives and soil nutrition supplements. CASA TAF framed the opportunity for complementary solutions to inorganic fertilizer in Kenya for FCDO. Three recommendations were provided to scale organic fertilisers and bio-stimulants:

  • Develop a strong evidence base on product efficacy by facilitating platforms that bring together research institutes, manufacturers and farmer associations, thereby reinforcing standards
  • Develop scalable business models by enabling manufacturers to adopt best practices, scale and improve the business case for organic fertilizer, and
  • Drive farmer adoption by evolving routes to farmers to increase reach, and by focusing on behaviour change towards integrated soil fertility management practices, to enhance penetration. 


CASA TAF has supported three agribusinesses in the Dairy, Macadamia and Poultry value chains.


CASA TAF has provided consultancy support to the FCDO team in Morocco.


CASA TAF has supported two agribusinesses in the Horticulture and Rice value chains.

CASA TAF has also provided consultancy support to the FCDO team in Mozambique. 


CASA TAF has supported two agribusinesses in the Cocoa and Rice value chains.

CASA TAF has also provided consultancy support to the FCDO team in Nigeria. 


CASA TAF has supported one agribusiness in the Cocoa value chain.


CASA TAF has supported one agribusiness in the Maize value chain.


CASA TAF has supported three agribusinesses in the Banana, Peanut and Regenerative Inputs value chains.

CASA TAF has also provided consultancy support to the FCDO team in Senegal. It produced a comprehensive review of the circular agri-economy sector in Senegal and suggested both macro- and micro-level recommendations to FCDO to foster growth. Recommendations included:

  • Enhancing awareness and coordination across all relevant stakeholders by supporting the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development to update their circular economy strategy in collaboration with other government agencies by animating an Agro-Circular Economy Sub-Committee; and developing and provisioning modular capacity-building, and
  • Supporting individual companies in their circular agri-economy journey by providing targeted support and technical assistance to some of the 13 identified investment opportunities, and catalysing partnerships between waste producers and waste promoters within existing, or new, business ecosystems.


CASA TAF has provided consultancy support to the FCDO team in South Africa.


CASA TAF has supported three agribusinesses in the Coffee, Grains and Vanilla value chains.


CASA TAF has provided consultancy support to the FCDO team in Tunisia.


CASA TAF has supported one agribusiness in the Horticulture value chain. 


CASA TAF has provided consultancy support to the FCDO team in Vietnam. The study traced pathways for smallholder producers to transition towards sustainable agriculture within the coffee sector in Vietnam. Follow-up work will see the dissemination of the findings, driving the sustainable transformation of the coffee sector.


CASA TAF has supported three agribusinesses in the Aquaculture, Cotton and Inputs value chains. 


CASA TAF has supported one agribusiness in the Herbs and Spices value chain.

CASA TAF also provided consultancy support to the FCDO team in Zimbabwe.