Amazon Poultry Limited
Established in 2012 and operating in Lilongwe with 10-20 employees, Amazon Poultry produces and supplies broiler chickens. Amazon is owned by Dr Kannan Sengottaiyan and Dr Suba Subramanian, who are Chairperson and Managing Director, respectively. Dr Sengottaiyan holds a BS in Veterinary Science and a Postgraduate Diploma in Feed Manufacturing Technology from India. He is a registered veterinary practitioner in Malawi with 20 years of industry experience. His main expertise is in poultry breeding, feed mill technology and operations. Dr Suba Subramanian holds a PhD in Poultry Science from India with more than 20 years of poultry industry experience. She is a registered veterinary practitioner in Malawi, with extensive expertise and experience in nutrition, disease diagnosis, and feed laboratory analysis and operations.
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Strengthening Market Linkages for a Centre for Smallholder Poultry Production
The project demonstrated the viability of a poultry out-grower contract model.
Completed in December 2021, this 18-month project aimed to support Amazon in accessing external finance for business expansion (hatchery and processing line) to increase its input supply and offtaking capacity for broiler chickens through a smallholder out-grower scheme. With CASA’s support, Amazon accessed £200,000 from the Malawi Innovation Challenge Fund (MICF), which it used to expand its hatchery and processing line, and now operates an out-grower scheme with over 1,000 smallholder farmers. At a total cost of £85,022, CASA contributed £56,990 through technical assistance and a grant.
Updated: December 2024