Established in 2004, Asumi Millers and General Dealers focuses on the production and supply of indigenous chickens and poultry feed. Operating in Dedza District with 5-10 employees, Dr John and Mrs Eleanor Mataya are the Managing Directors, with 20 years of experience in business management.

Contact: Website

Promoting Forward and Backward Linkages for Village Chicken, Soya and Maize Producers

The project demonstrated the setting up of forward and backward supply linkages for chicken feed and live chickens between Asumi and farmers.

Completed in March 2024, this 18-month project supported Asumi to set up a smallholder supply chain of 2,347 farmers for offtaking grown indigenous chickens to meet the market demand, and also to become investment ready for external financing. At a total cost £81,940, CASA contributed £67,600 through technical assistance and a grant. Asumi sought £47,570 in investment for an abattoir for processing dressed chickens, and freezer rooms for storage of processed and packaged products.

Updated: December 2024