Nyaluwanga Farms
Established in 2016, Nyaluwanga Farm produces and supplies broiler chickens in the northern part of Malawi, based in Mzuzu City with 30-35 employees. The Managing Director, Mrs Cecilia Mseteka, is a passionate business woman who previously worked for TG Travel from 1981 to 1985 in Mufulira, Zambia, and Barclays Bank Zambia from 1985 to 1990. She left Barclays Bank in September 1990 to join her husband in East Africa. While in South Africa, Mrs Mseteka owned and operated Uniglobe Ikhwezi Travel for ten years, a company that dealt with business travel. This company was sold in July 2013 to Morvest Pty Limited, a listed company on the South African Stock Exchange, to enable her to concentrate on other family investments in Malawi, South Africa and Zambia.
Contact: Facebook
Facilitating Access to Finance for Small and Medium Enterprises
This project demonstrated the effectiveness of business development services in helping agri-SMEs attract investment and showcased the viability of smallholder supply chains with agri-SMEs.
Completed in March 2024, in this 18-month project CASA partnered with Nyaluwanga to support the company in accessing external finance for business expansion, including acquiring a feed mill, hatchery, and processing line in the medium term. In the short term, with CASA’s support, Nyaluwanga piloted an out-grower scheme working with 1,530 smallholder farmers who were trained in broiler production. Through this scheme, Nyaluwanga facilitated the inclusive purchase of day-old chicks for the farmers, who raised the chicks to the point of sale for the end market or to sell back to Nyaluwanga for processing. The inclusive bulk purchase of day-old chicks helped farmers reduce transaction costs. At a total cost of £59,438, the CASA contribution of £44,000 covered technical assistance and a grant.
Nyaluwanga Farm sought equity investment of £250,000 to purchase and install a feed mill, hatchery and processing equipment.
Updated: December 2024